Anar kaluva tielyanna!

Oktober 2011

All about my fibre addiction:

Freitag, 7. Oktober 2011

Day 3 "Organize your tupper cabinet"

Wow, I manage the next stage of the challenge: Tupper Cabinet and I did an extra too: the top of this Cabinet.

First let us see, that it was before:

3_1_Vorher_Pflicht This is my place for tupperware things and others. Not too bad, but not too good either. Especially the lids are always annoying.

3_2_Vorher_Kür And that is all the stuff I had above the cabinet. I keep a lot of things there. Might be not the best spot. It's in the kitchen, the things will get dirty and greasy. And they are hard to reach.

3_3_Tupperwareausgeräumt Okay, everthing out on the table. I check which things I never use - they did either go to donation or thrown away (if too old). A few things will find better places in other cabinets.

3_5_zurück Here are the things, which will go back. I can proudly annonce, that every bowl has a lid and vic versa! Before I put the things back, I fetched a few things, which I thought will fit in here nicely.

3_6_amPlatz Okay that's how it is now. I like the little plastic box (which was on top of the cabinet by the way) for my lids. I am not so sure, if my work was an improvement. Still looks clutterish to me.

3_7_obenabgeräumt Again everything on the table. This time from above the cabinet. Lot of things to throw away, some for donation, some needed better places.

3_10_oben Not much left here!

Here both spots in comparison:

3_11 Vergleich

3_12 vergleich

Come back to see that is coming next: Day 4 Bed Linen Closet

And now I deserve some chocolate!

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