Anar kaluva tielyanna!

Oktober 2011

All about my fibre addiction:

Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2011

Day 4 "Organize your Bed Linen Closet"

Okay, it was exhausting. I did my Bed Linen Cabinet in the upper part of a cupboard and my Towel & other things Place in another cupboard. I thought this would be a fast one - at least the towel place was cleared up only a couple of days ago.

Naturally I was totally wrong. Mainly because I deciced to iron my bedlinen, my napkins and my table cloth. Most there in a bad, not-ironed-after-washing-shape - I hate ironing! I even had to seek for my iron, as I couldn't remember there I put it.

Now for the pics:

<a href=" "auf Flick>1 - Bettzeug vorher-nachher

<a href=""auf Flickr">2 - Bettzeug Transformation

<a href="" aufFlickr">5 - bettzeug Boxen vorher nachher

<a href=""auf Flickr">3 - Handtuchlager vorher-nachher

<a href=""auf Flickr">4 - Handtuchlagerboxen vorher-nachher

A cute pillow I found and will use now:

<a href=""auf Flickr">4_8 endlich benutzt The trusty table deserve a new outfit:

<a href=""auf Flickr">PICT0057

Tomorrow is Sunday and will be free, Monday I will do this: Day 5 - Under the kitchen sink

And yes today I deserved a bath and some Giottos!

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