Anar kaluva tielyanna!

November 2011

All about my fibre addiction:

Sonntag, 13. November 2011

Roses & Sweets

Yesterday I met a friend from Poland. She stayed in Munich for 1 year for studing and I help her a little bit (like finding a place to stay for her).

Now she finished her studies and wanted to invite me for a lunch. I voted for a India Place, so we went there. On the way they made a stop in a flower shop and bought me this lovely flowers: PICT0069 Their father wanted to say thank-you too and ask them to buy me some flowers. Aren't they lovely?

And I got also some polish sweets called Tiki Taki. It's a chocolate candy with coconut and peanuts. I fear I found a new addiction...

Luckily I also had a present for her. A little scarf I crocheted. It't the Spring Fill Scarf, so please don't tell my Stash-Down-Group as it is not an A-pattern. I like how it turned out and want to make one for myself. scarf

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