Anar kaluva tielyanna!

November 2011

All about my fibre addiction:

Montag, 21. November 2011

Alpha Bravo Charlie - Monday Meeting #3

Stash Down A to Z Each month, we will be selecting a letter and consulting our queues to knit or crochet a pattern that begins with that letter. Join us on our alphabetical journey as we whittle down our stashes and our queues!

Alpha Bravo Charlie- Monday Meeting is my weekly blog feature about my progress in this group.

So here I am back to report my progress in my alphabetic stash/queue down. Sadly my Avalontop is not yet finished, but I started the second sleeve today and I hope to finished it tomorrow. Then only blocking and weaving ends is left.

Here you can see a-not-so-good-picture of my progress. I wanted to make a second one, but my camera batteries failed me. They are recharging right now. Next week I can hopefully show a good pic from a finished garment! I must admit it looks a little short now. I hope I can block it a little bit longer. Why did I not notice before?


And I also finished a Non-A-Project, a little cowl quickly crocheted from only one skein of Lang Yak. Cowl

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