Anar kaluva tielyanna!

November 2011

All about my fibre addiction:

Freitag, 25. November 2011

Extra-Task "Organize yourself"

Some might be missing my organizing stuff. Yesterday I did an extra and deceiced, that my little table besides my living room chair must be cleaned. Theoretical it should be used, that I can have a cup of tea nearby or to lay down the book I am reading or the pattern I am using...pratical - it was just full with everything:

Tischbeschriftet auf Flickr.

I also cleaned out underneath (I won't mention, that somehow I found needles from last years Christmas tree) and I sorted through my little red magazin rack (there only the newested edition should be - ready for reading. Of course there was a lot of other stuff!)

Unterm Tischbeschriftet


You think I was quick at this? No, because I rearrange the area (if you look close to the picks you can see, that the table moved). It took me a while, till I find a solution, which me pleased. It just come to my mind during cleaning, so there is no before pic.


So still no "real"progress at my challenge and still photos and fridge left.

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