Anar kaluva tielyanna!

Dezember 2011

All about my fibre addiction:

Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2011

A like in November 2011 - Summary

I promised to post a summary of my first month with the amazing Stash Down A to Z group on Ravelry.

Projects: I finished a total of 9 projects this month (not necessary started this month!). 5 of them fit into the month, 4 there Non-A-projects. I used up 3 skeins from my stash and skeins for projects already started, but not finished (WIP). I bought 8 skeins of new yarn for the projects of this month, but used up 7 of them. I bought no skein without a project in mind, the leftover skein was just from miscalculation (but is already asign to a not yet started project).

GrĂ¼ne Nebel von Avalon - WIP, Ravelry A-pattern, used up project yarn Mama Acacia Scarf DC - Ravelry A-pattern, used stashed yarn + new yarn A Gambling Cowl - personal A-pattern, new yarn A Gambling Headband - personal A-pattern, new yarn Andina Neck warmer - personal A-pattern, used stashed yarn

A star is born - Baby blanket - WIP, new yarn Spring water frill - new yarn Birthday Cowl - new yarn Tempo, Tempo - new yarn (leftover from Gambling Headband)

Queue: I also checked my queue. I had 16 pattern with an A left and I tossed 8 of them. So my Queue went down from 166 to 157 patterns (tossed an extra pattern, which need a knitting loom I don't have. I didn't realise that, then I queued it). I started with 111 pattern in the queue into the group, but I added a lot of patterns, I had purchase (but not in the queue), to make sure, I won't miss them once their letter come up.

Keeping: Aragorn (socks) Anastasia (socks) A Cardigan for Arwen (Cardigan) Alcyone (shawl) Argonath (shawl) A little Something (Cardigan) Annis (shawl) Asterope (shwal)

Good bye: Aran Weight Top Down Raglan Shawl Adamas Shawl Alhambratuch Aoife Aline A Red Scarf A Scarf Anthropologie-Inspired Capelet


projects 7 new projects started and finished 2 WIPs finished

9 projects finished / 9 WIPs remaining


  • 8 new skeins
  • 7 used skeins (new)
  • 3 stash skeins

  • 2 skeins in stash

pattern: Start: 111 pattern

  • 55 pattern added during the month *
  • 09 pattern tossed
  • 02 pattern worked

157 pattern in queue

*including 43 already purchased pattern

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