Anar kaluva tielyanna!

Dezember 2011

All about my fibre addiction:

Montag, 26. Dezember 2011

Alpha Bravo Charlie - Monday Meeting #7

Stash Down A to Z Each month, we will be selecting a letter and consulting our queues to knit or crochet a pattern that begins with that letter. Join us on our alphabetical journey as we whittle down our stashes and our queues!

Alpha Bravo Charlie- Monday Meeting is my weekly blog feature about my progress in this group.

Another week of December and B-projects passed. I finally finished my Barad Dur Shawl and I am very pleased how it turned out.


At my LYS we are also putting together a babyblanket for a pregnant customer. I contributed 3 squares - one happend to be a B! They were meant to become dishclothes, but they make fine babysquare blanket too!

PICT0068 Babyfeet

PICT0069 Can't remember the name...

PICT0070 Elvish Leaves

As little Christmas presents (which I gifted randomly away after mass at church to various people in the parish) I made 10 bookmarks (Yeah another B!). And one extra for me ;-).

PICT0029 5 in blue

PICT0001 5 in white

PICT0002 1 for me (despite that I bought myself a ebookreader for Christmas)

The Belle Ruffle Gloves seemed to be doomed. I misplaced a button and by cutting it loose I also cut into the gloves. So I got a ruffle and a upper part of a glove. I started over - without buttons of course! I will just join in the round after the ruffle. But I will nothting say about it, till they are finished! PICT0019

And finally a pic of my finished B-socks: PICT0003

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