Anar kaluva tielyanna!

Februar 2025

All about my fibre addiction:

Donnerstag, 2. Januar 2025


Immer noch da...

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Donnerstag, 1. Oktober 2015

Ich bin noch da!

Ach mein gutes altes Antville-Weblog gibt es auch immer noch...nur die Frage was ich draus mache...

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Freitag, 3. Februar 2012


I started my first D-project on Wendesday - it's the beautiful shawl "Damask" (a Christmas gift) and I am up to row 19.

Besides I did a little bit more pattern tossing and checke all pattern I queue in 2008 (!): -9 pattern

Katzenbett Polka Purl Petra 2x Sadie Knitted Kitty Easter Peeps Reading-In-Bed-Shrug Fuzzy Mitten Lamb

Down to: 141 pattern

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Dienstag, 31. Januar 2012

Don Bosco

Today the catholic church is celebrating Don Bosco - my favourite saint!

You can learn more about him on Wikipedia:

And don't forget to hear a (polish) song about him:

We sang it a lot last year on our pilgrimage to Wilno with Salesian priest (the order, which was founded by him).

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Montag, 30. Januar 2012

C like in January 2012 - Summary

Stash Down A to Z Each month, we will be selecting a letter and consulting our queues to knit or crochet a pattern that begins with that letter. Join us on our alphabetical journey as we whittle down our stashes and our queues!

Alpha Bravo Charlie- Monday Meeting is my weekly blog feature about my progress in this group.

Projects: Corelli - finished, stash yarn Caradhras - finished, stash yarn Coquille Shawl - finished, stash yarn Clockwork - finished, new yarn Hitchhiker - finished, gifted yarn

5 projects finished, no WIPs, 8 WIPs remaining

Queue: Starting: 155 pattern

Tossed: 6 pattern Crazy Kiwi Bird, Cabled Jacket, Coco, Cherie Amour Candle Flame Shawl, Cat's Face Socks

Worked: 5 pattern Corelli, Caradhras Socks, Coquille Shawl, Clockwork, Hitchhiker Added: 6 pattern Damson, Layz Katy, Ginny Cowl, Phoenix, Elven Slippers, In the Pink

Down to: 150 pattern

C-Patterns to keep: 6 pattern Celaeno (shawl), Celtic Icon (hoodie), Contrast and Complimentary Shawl, Cat Mittens, Cat Paw's scarf, Catkin

Yarn: New yarn: 9 skeins 2 Zauberball Sockenwolle "Herbstsonne/Deine blauen Augen", 1 Zitron Trekking Handart "Kent", 1 Chopped Tomatoes lustrous silk "bask", 1 Chopped Tomatoes normadology "mirage",1 Punta Yarns Lace Hand Paint "HP31", 3 Regia Extra Twist Merino

Used stash yarn: 3 skeins 1 The Unique Sheep Foot Prints "Caradhras", 1 The Unique Sheep Marici "Blushing Bride", 1 Lang Yarns Jawoll Magic

Used new yarn: 3 skeins 3 Regia Extra Twist Merino

Summary: +3 skeins in stash

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3. Januar 2025 um 19:37:31 MEZ

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Super echt!
by StefanL (03.01.25, 19:37)
2025 Immer noch da...
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Ich bin noch da! Ach
mein gutes altes Antville-Weblog gibt es auch immer noch...nur die...
by Luinwen (01.10.15, 13:37)
Damask I started my first
D-project on Wendesday - it's the beautiful shawl "Damask" (a...
by Luinwen (03.02.12, 12:11)
Don Bosco Today the catholic
church is celebrating Don Bosco - my favourite saint! You...
by Luinwen (31.01.12, 14:00)

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