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Freitag, 25. November 2011

Extra-Task "Organize yourself"

Some might be missing my organizing stuff. Yesterday I did an extra and deceiced, that my little table besides my living room chair must be cleaned. Theoretical it should be used, that I can have a cup of tea nearby or to lay down the book I am reading or the pattern I am using...pratical - it was just full with everything:

Tischbeschriftet auf Flickr.

I also cleaned out underneath (I won't mention, that somehow I found needles from last years Christmas tree) and I sorted through my little red magazin rack (there only the newested edition should be - ready for reading. Of course there was a lot of other stuff!)

Unterm Tischbeschriftet


You think I was quick at this? No, because I rearrange the area (if you look close to the picks you can see, that the table moved). It took me a while, till I find a solution, which me pleased. It just come to my mind during cleaning, so there is no before pic.


So still no "real"progress at my challenge and still photos and fridge left.

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Montag, 21. November 2011

Alpha Bravo Charlie - Monday Meeting #3

Stash Down A to Z Each month, we will be selecting a letter and consulting our queues to knit or crochet a pattern that begins with that letter. Join us on our alphabetical journey as we whittle down our stashes and our queues!

Alpha Bravo Charlie- Monday Meeting is my weekly blog feature about my progress in this group.

So here I am back to report my progress in my alphabetic stash/queue down. Sadly my Avalontop is not yet finished, but I started the second sleeve today and I hope to finished it tomorrow. Then only blocking and weaving ends is left.

Here you can see a-not-so-good-picture of my progress. I wanted to make a second one, but my camera batteries failed me. They are recharging right now. Next week I can hopefully show a good pic from a finished garment! I must admit it looks a little short now. I hope I can block it a little bit longer. Why did I not notice before?


And I also finished a Non-A-Project, a little cowl quickly crocheted from only one skein of Lang Yak. Cowl

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Montag, 14. November 2011

Alpha Bravo Charlie - Monday Meeting #2

Stash Down A to Z Each month, we will be selecting a letter and consulting our queues to knit or crochet a pattern that begins with that letter. Join us on our alphabetical journey as we whittle down our stashes and our queues!

Alpha Bravo Charlie- Monday Meeting is my weekly blog feature about my progress in this group.

So I am back again with my alphabetic stash down. First of all I have to admit, that I sneaked in a S-pattern (which would be for April 2013 if I didn't misscount), but it was a gift for a friend (see also yesterdays story).

As she knows my blog and might read it, I couldn't say anything earlier about it. I finished it on Friday (after two evenings of crocheting) - just in time to give it to her on Saturday. She finished her studies in autumn and this was my gift for her. She is a very nice friend and really deserve something special for that day.

So here comes (again) the Spring Water Frill Scarf: scarf

But I was also a good girl and finished the Acacia-Scarf for my mom. So at least one A-project is finished. Here you can see me modelling the scarf before blocking and - obviously - before weaving in ends: finishcrochet

Tonight it was finished blocking and I could weave in and cut ends: PICT0080

I wraped it up as it is a gift for my mom. Technically it is a Christmas gift, but it is already cold now. So I will give it her early: PICT0081

Now I hope to finish my Avalontop on time!

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Sonntag, 13. November 2011

Roses & Sweets

Yesterday I met a friend from Poland. She stayed in Munich for 1 year for studing and I help her a little bit (like finding a place to stay for her).

Now she finished her studies and wanted to invite me for a lunch. I voted for a India Place, so we went there. On the way they made a stop in a flower shop and bought me this lovely flowers: PICT0069 Their father wanted to say thank-you too and ask them to buy me some flowers. Aren't they lovely?

And I got also some polish sweets called Tiki Taki. It's a chocolate candy with coconut and peanuts. I fear I found a new addiction...

Luckily I also had a present for her. A little scarf I crocheted. It't the Spring Fill Scarf, so please don't tell my Stash-Down-Group as it is not an A-pattern. I like how it turned out and want to make one for myself. scarf

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Samstag, 12. November 2011

Day 11 "Organize your freezer"

Finally I move on with my challenge! As I don't have a freezer (only a small freezing compartment in my fridge - which hopefully will be done on Monday), I took the balcony. Winter is coming, so it might be freezing cold there too!

The balcony is small. I use it for hanging up my clothes to get dry as I don't have a dryer. And it tends to collect junk parts from the rest of the flat. Theoretical I can sit down there - I have two chairs outside. But of course I rarely do. Here you see the reason:

before I never drink alcohol, but had bought some beer for my birthdaypart in 2010 - still here. You can see I have even more plastic bags (I throw them away, it seems, that they don't like to much sun/cold). And you can see the remains of all the plants I killed - err I mean I had.

I started in the afternoon in daylight and finished in the dark, but I am pleased with it and I might even use my balcony for sitting down - once there are sunny days again. I keep some of the flowerstuff and will try again in spring to keep some flowers alive!


So only 3 things to go!

Day 16 - The Fridge Day 20 - Photos Day 21 - You pick!

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