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Montag, 31. Oktober 2011

What I did on Thursday...

...I totally forgot to write about the little extra I did on Thursday. I just did a little drawer, there I keep my writing papers in.

vn I think I don't have to buy Christmas cards this year - I found plenty.

And I found two things, I want to share with you. First a childhood memory. A sticker album (Miss Petticoat), there I collect even all stickers! The text might be not overall worthfull, but I like the cute stickers. So I will keep it. I remember that as I child I tried to copy the pictures. Mark the little knitting girl in the upper right corner. sticker

And this wonderful paperweight I bought in Malta. Never find out, why it was on discount as a second quallity. I just think it is beautiful. Now it is back on it's rightful place on my desk: brief

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Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2011

Day 18 "Organize your keepsakes"

I was busy yesterday, but it was too late to submit the story. I don't have much keepsakes. I don't have children and my cats don't draw me pictures. I have photos from my vacations, but that is a point on it's own. And my souvenirs are normally either T-Shirt (dresser already done) or pictures and other knick-knacks.

So I went for my nighstand. Assuming it would be a fast one. Wrong as usually! The nightstand is not big and was easy - but I have my jewellery there and to sort that out, took quite a time. But I am pleased with the result. Now for the pics:

The nightstand: 1- Night Stand

The drawer: 2 - Drawer

My jewellery box: I didn't put it back to my nightstand, but on my hallway desk. I use that mirrow for checking, if my earrings do suit me, anyway. 3 - Jewellrybox

The little jewellery box from the drawer (I guess you didn't see it before): 4 - Trollbead

The work already paid off today. I put on some earrings and didn't forget my bracelet.

Now for a check of my progress: Day 1 - Junk Drawer Day 2 - Computer Desk Day 3 - Tupperware Cabinet Day 4 - Linen Closet Day 5 - Under kitchen sink Day 6 - Dresser Drawers Day 7 - The Pantry Day 8 - Coat Closet Day 9 - Toy organization Day 10 - Laundry Room Day 11 - The Freezer Day 12 - Spice Cabinet Day 13 - Medicine Cabinet Day 14 - Under bathroom sink Day 15 - Medicine/Vitamin Storage Day 16 - The Fridge Day 17 - The Mail Day 18 - Keepsakes Day 19 - Master Closet Day 20 - Photos Day 21 - You pick!

So only 5 days/challenges to go!

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Dienstag, 25. Oktober 2011

Day 17 "Organize your Mail"

Yesterday I was back home at 10 p.m. - so I thought it would be better to drop the challenge that evening and better got some sleep.

But today I am back with another day of organizing. Today I choose to do Day 17. I have a desk in my hallway, there I tend to drop just things, then I came home. So I did organize the top of the desk. The big basket was planned for holding things I want to pick up before leaving and for the mail. That didn't work. I found this smaller basket just for things I want to grab and deceiced, that I will take the mail to my desk - more changes that I will deal with it soon (as I use my desk frequently).

1 - Kommode

And I also did the two drawers. I found a better place for my drugs in one of the drawers. I also found the vaccination cards of my cats, but can't remember there mine is. Hopefully I will find it later in the challenge (still some drawers left...).

2 - drawers

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Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2011

Day 14 + Day 15 Substitute

# Day 14 - Under bathroom sink - already done!

Day 15 - Medicine/Vitamin Storage - already done!

5 - Wäschkörbe


So as this two places there already done, I did on Friday and Saturday the kitchen drawers. Everything out, cleaning the drawers and everything in a (hopefully) better organized way back. Something I felt like playing tetris...

First part I did on Friday after coming home late as I was out with friends (eating pasta!): vn

Second part I did on Saturday after coming home late as I met friends playing DSA (P&P Roleplay): VN

Tomorrow I will come home late again - I don't know, if I will be able to do a challenge. But let us see, what is left from the challenge:

Day 11 - The Freezer (read: balcony)

Day 16 - The Fridge

Day 17 - The Mail

Day 18 - Keepsakes (read: night stand)

Day 19 - Master Closet

Day 20 - Photos

Day 21 - You pick!

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Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011

Day 13 "Organize your medicine cabinet"

Again already done - look at Day 10 "Laundry room", so I found again another spot. This time something small - like a drawer.

vh I didn't throw away to much, but lot of things find better places. Like I put left-over screws from furniture to my tools. Some decoration pieces I found, went to my decoration assembly in one of my cupboard.

And I put up my candy picture: Bild an der Wand

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