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Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2011

Day 12 "Organize your spice cabinet"

It is bookshelf for me. I did the spice cabinet together with the pantry. See again this photo for proof:

2 - Vergleich

So let's see how my bookshelf went today. Unfortunatly were are 3 more (big ones with 6 shelves each) to go...and they look worse.

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Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2011

Day 11 "Organize your freezer"

Technically I would have a day off - I don't have freezer, only a fridge (but this is another challenge). As I alredy told you I will replace this with the balcony - a spot that might be freezing cold soon. But as I will do this on Saturday (as I need daylight for that), I will pick another spot. Something short for today as I did come home late. A little cabinet should do...

You know how this work, everything on the table, sorting through and back!



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You remember the top of my dresser? dresser

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The pics from yesterday

Here are the pics from my "laundry room" makeover:

My Washing maschine - before and after:

1 - Laundry

The place for my washing stuff:

3 - rechts

My Laundry baskets (which also covers the "Under the bathroom sink"):

5 - Wäschkörbe

I have no cabinet or cupboard in my bathroom. So everythings stay openly on a surface. I sorted through the cosmetics and lined them up neatly. This should qualify for the "medicine cabinet".

2 - left

4 - sink

And last but noch least I found a new place for my (very few) drugs. Not entirly happy with the place. Maybe I come up with something else during the challenge.


And this is my Prince charming, who is sadly still in frog form. No sign for transformation yet. But he keeps me good company, then I am taking a bath!


A look at the schedule for the next days:

Day 11 - The Freezer - no freezer, so balcony it is! I will do this on Saturday as daylight is needed.

Day 12 - Spice Cabinet - already done!

Day 13 - Medicine Cabinet - already done!

Day 14 - Under bathroom sink - already done!

Day 15 - Medicine/Vitamin Storage - already done!

So I guess I will find some more drawers/cabinets in my flat for the challenge.

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Montag, 17. Oktober 2011

Day 10 "Organzise your Laundry room"

And as my bathroom is my laundry room, I could do a couple of challenge today:

Day 10 Laundry Room Day 13 Medicine Cabinet (I don't have one, but I did the spots, there my cosmetics and other stuff is standing) Day 14 Under the bathroom sink Day 15 Medicine/Vitame Storage

See here for the pics

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Sonntag, 16. Oktober 2011

Day 7 "Organize your pantry"

It was a really good idea to move this to saturday. It took me a lot of time and it was to late to post the pics yesterday.

It is not done yet as I need more of these containers. They only had 4 at the store, but 2 of them fit so nicely in my compartments, So I need 6 more of them. I am also thinking about sorting around the stuff.

It might not be the brightest idea to put heavy containers up in the highest place - that means, that you have to get them out to get your things. Lower down you can get your things without moving the thing or just pulling it out a bit.

As soon as this cupboard is finally done, you will get a new pic. I also got a labler and will use it to mark the boxes.

All my food on the well known table: 1 - Pile Suprisingly I didn't had to throw away so much. Some things (like the empty small tea boxes) will go to another place.

3 - Oben

4 - Unten

I also found a new place for my cooking books. They had to move on yesterday as my knitting books moved to their place. In that compartment I had candles - they moved on to the place there I had my spices (which are no inside the food storage).

5 - Kochbücher Yes I have two cats!

And this is extra work I did: 1 - vorher

2 - nachher

3 - Cakebox The cooling unit there already in the donation box! I found it somethere else and didn't remember there it belongs.

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