Anar kaluva tielyanna!

September 2024

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Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2011

Day 8 "Organize your coat closet"

Don't be confused about the number. I change the days of the challenge around, so that they fit better with my spare time. Today I was busy, so I took a challenge, which won't take to much time (hopefully). For the next two days (weekend!) I planed more challenging one. So my day 7 ist the day 8 of the challenge.

I have a small flat - so no coat closet, but a coat rack. It is more or less the first thing you see, then you come in. Maybe it should be more neat for a better first impressions of visitors! And now without any other delay the pics of my work today:

During: 4 - The pile

Result: 1 - Coat Rack

Details: 1 - Oben

3 - Shoe Rack container

Okay, I started the story with a lie - that is what you really see first, then you came in: Dastan My all-time-favourite movie with the-best-looking-guy-ever Prince Dastan (aka Jake Gyllenhaal).

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Mittwoch, 12. Oktober 2011

Free day

Tonight I will go out with friends and so I have to take off a day from this challenge, there is not really any time for cleaning up today.

I will also change around the spots for the next days, as I has not so much time tomorow, I will take an easier task (coat closet) and do the more time consuming task on Friday and Saturday (Pantry).

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Day 6 "Organize your dresser"

(I did it, but it's too late for uploading the pics. You will see them tomorrow.)

So it's afternoon and I will share my pics with you. Luckily I did my dresser just about 2 weeks ago, so this was an easy one. Here you can see, that I manage to do the top off the dresser.

1 - Dressertop

Here are my drawers, I didn't do anything on them this time, I think they are still okay:

2 - Inside

So I made up my mind to tackle another sport. There is a low cabinet (right to the floor), which contains my extra clothing, meaning things I don't use so often. This spot looks very bad. Don't have any fitting boxes for that place. Don't judge to hard on me, please!

3 - More clothing

Some of the clothings needed to be ironed, but it was too late for doing so. And I might get rid of more of my t-shirts. But so many contains memories (I like to buy T-Shirts from foreign countries I visited), so it was hard to part from most of them. So I kept most of them, besides that some are only fit for wearing at home at your leisure time.

And I also tried to clean up the top of this cabinet: 4 - another Top

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Montag, 10. Oktober 2011

Day 5 "Organize your space under the kitchen sink"

I did the space under the kitchen sink, found some cleaners there (although I have another space to keep them) and deciced I will sort my cleaners and my cleaning cabinet too!

Now for the pics:

1 - Kitchensink

3 - Cleaning stuff

2 - Cleaning Cabinet

4 - small shots

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Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2011

Day 4 "Organize your Bed Linen Closet"

Okay, it was exhausting. I did my Bed Linen Cabinet in the upper part of a cupboard and my Towel & other things Place in another cupboard. I thought this would be a fast one - at least the towel place was cleared up only a couple of days ago.

Naturally I was totally wrong. Mainly because I deciced to iron my bedlinen, my napkins and my table cloth. Most there in a bad, not-ironed-after-washing-shape - I hate ironing! I even had to seek for my iron, as I couldn't remember there I put it.

Now for the pics:

<a href=" "auf Flick>1 - Bettzeug vorher-nachher

<a href=""auf Flickr">2 - Bettzeug Transformation

<a href="" aufFlickr">5 - bettzeug Boxen vorher nachher

<a href=""auf Flickr">3 - Handtuchlager vorher-nachher

<a href=""auf Flickr">4 - Handtuchlagerboxen vorher-nachher

A cute pillow I found and will use now:

<a href=""auf Flickr">4_8 endlich benutzt The trusty table deserve a new outfit:

<a href=""auf Flickr">PICT0057

Tomorrow is Sunday and will be free, Monday I will do this: Day 5 - Under the kitchen sink

And yes today I deserved a bath and some Giottos!

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