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November 2024

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Freitag, 7. Oktober 2011

Day 3 "Organize your tupper cabinet"

Wow, I manage the next stage of the challenge: Tupper Cabinet and I did an extra too: the top of this Cabinet.

First let us see, that it was before:

3_1_Vorher_Pflicht This is my place for tupperware things and others. Not too bad, but not too good either. Especially the lids are always annoying.

3_2_Vorher_Kür And that is all the stuff I had above the cabinet. I keep a lot of things there. Might be not the best spot. It's in the kitchen, the things will get dirty and greasy. And they are hard to reach.

3_3_Tupperwareausgeräumt Okay, everthing out on the table. I check which things I never use - they did either go to donation or thrown away (if too old). A few things will find better places in other cabinets.

3_5_zurück Here are the things, which will go back. I can proudly annonce, that every bowl has a lid and vic versa! Before I put the things back, I fetched a few things, which I thought will fit in here nicely.

3_6_amPlatz Okay that's how it is now. I like the little plastic box (which was on top of the cabinet by the way) for my lids. I am not so sure, if my work was an improvement. Still looks clutterish to me.

3_7_obenabgeräumt Again everything on the table. This time from above the cabinet. Lot of things to throw away, some for donation, some needed better places.

3_10_oben Not much left here!

Here both spots in comparison:

3_11 Vergleich

3_12 vergleich

Come back to see that is coming next: Day 4 Bed Linen Closet

And now I deserve some chocolate!

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Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2011

Day 2 "Organize your computer desk"

I did it, but it got very late. So you will get know only the photos with short comment. I hope to add more of the story tomorrow.

First, the shameful truth about my desk:

Von der Seite You might have seen worse, but actually the desk took over a part of the bookshelf, as I didn't have enough space on the top.

Auslagerung Here you can see the bookshelf. On the uppershelf is my "Finance Organizer" (read: I just throw everything in it, that has something to do with bank, money, insurance, tax...see next photo for proof). The lowershelf held a blue box, which holds mainly paperish things and once stand on my desk. I pilled up more paper on top of it.

Finanzen.J‎PG You see? Although I had different files for different things, I just stuffed it in. I wasn't even able to name the tags.

VorherSchreibtisch Here you can see the desk again. At least the picture on the wall is looking nice.

abgeräumt So that's my empty desk.

Lined up And here are the things from desk and bookshelf lined up. The green/black box to the left is full with paperclutter!

After that I left for church and tackle the big thing after it.

leer The cleaing part. My desk is old (20 years), so it didn't get to shiny.

Papier I deceided, that I don't have the time tonight to sort the paperclutter properly. So I just splitted it up in finance things (not shown in picture), throw away (the paper bin), privat post I have to look through again (blue box in front), other private things I have to look through (the rest in the orginal box).

Bookshelf Here ist my Finance organizer again. At least I splitted it up in different groups (bank, insurance etc.) and put every letter in the right file.

Fertig And this is my desk at last. Much better I would say.

And now I deserve some icecream! Bye the way - it come in neat little plastic boxes. I will keep it, it might come in handy during the challenge. I guess I must eat more icecream to get more boxes! And the story got long instead of my intention, more or less just to post the pics.

So and what are we doing tomorrow? Day 3 - Tupperware Cabinet

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Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2011

Day 1 "Organize your junk drawer"

Okay, first off all: I have to admit, that more or less each and everyone of my drawers are junk drawers. It's so easy - just drop the things in it and close. And only you will see the chaos, for everybody else it looks neat (especially, if you drop things in drawers to keep the top tidy).

So I deceiced to take that drawer, which annoyed me last. Which happend to be the drawer of my desk (okay one of 5 drawers of my desks - you see there is much more to do!).

I opened it yesterday and I saw this. Luckily not all of my drawers look as bad as this:


Today I wanted to do my drawer and I found out two things. First: there is a stop-system, so that your drawer can't get loose accidentally. It stops before you can pull it out completly. Very convient and neat - most of the time. Second: The drawer is screwed to this stop-system. That does mean, that you have to unscrew it to get it out. I did that.

After I sorted the things in two boxes, it looked like this:


Some random things I found in my drawer: a key, I don't know there the lock is, a crochet hook, stitchmarkers, labels - okay these may come in handy during the challenge 20 bucks - I was last in the States 10 years ago for the wedding of a cousin! a bookmarker with the picture of Eowyn

I deceiced, that a drawer of a desk might should keep more things for writing etc. and should not be a piggy bank or a yarn stuff place. My cats also force me to keep little things in drawers - otherwise they will make wonderful cat-toys!

So after sorting and throwing out, I came up with this. I couldn't find small boxes for the drawer today at a store - so I cut up a small lunchbox I never use in two halfes to keep smaller things in it (you can also get a glimpse of a curious cat)


And thats the way the drawer look back in its place. I moved the things a little bit around. Sorry for the blurry pic.


So I would say I took the challenge and manage it and now deserve a pomegranate. As this is the next part:

Day #2 Challenge - Your computer desk (top only)

So we will come back to this place tomorrow!

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Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2011

Is starting tomorrow!

Okay I will do this - starting tomorrow.

And this will be the first challange: Day #1 Challenge (Organizing the "junk" drawer)

See you tomorrow!

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Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011

Wieder da!

Da lag mein armes Blog ja ganz schön lange ganz einsam hier im Netz herum - jetzt will ich aber mal wieder öfters was schreiben!

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