Anar kaluva tielyanna!

Februar 2025

All about my fibre addiction:

Day 7 "Organize your pantry"

It was a really good idea to move this to saturday. It took me a lot of time and it was to late to post the pics yesterday.

It is not done yet as I need more of these containers. They only had 4 at the store, but 2 of them fit so nicely in my compartments, So I need 6 more of them. I am also thinking about sorting around the stuff.

It might not be the brightest idea to put heavy containers up in the highest place - that means, that you have to get them out to get your things. Lower down you can get your things without moving the thing or just pulling it out a bit.

As soon as this cupboard is finally done, you will get a new pic. I also got a labler and will use it to mark the boxes.

All my food on the well known table: 1 - Pile Suprisingly I didn't had to throw away so much. Some things (like the empty small tea boxes) will go to another place.

3 - Oben

4 - Unten

I also found a new place for my cooking books. They had to move on yesterday as my knitting books moved to their place. In that compartment I had candles - they moved on to the place there I had my spices (which are no inside the food storage).

5 - Kochbücher Yes I have two cats!

And this is extra work I did: 1 - vorher

2 - nachher

3 - Cakebox The cooling unit there already in the donation box! I found it somethere else and didn't remember there it belongs.

Sag was dazu    

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3. Januar 2025 um 19:37:31 MEZ

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