Anar kaluva tielyanna!

Februar 2025

All about my fibre addiction:

The pics from yesterday

Here are the pics from my "laundry room" makeover:

My Washing maschine - before and after:

1 - Laundry

The place for my washing stuff:

3 - rechts

My Laundry baskets (which also covers the "Under the bathroom sink"):

5 - Wäschkörbe

I have no cabinet or cupboard in my bathroom. So everythings stay openly on a surface. I sorted through the cosmetics and lined them up neatly. This should qualify for the "medicine cabinet".

2 - left

4 - sink

And last but noch least I found a new place for my (very few) drugs. Not entirly happy with the place. Maybe I come up with something else during the challenge.


And this is my Prince charming, who is sadly still in frog form. No sign for transformation yet. But he keeps me good company, then I am taking a bath!


A look at the schedule for the next days:

Day 11 - The Freezer - no freezer, so balcony it is! I will do this on Saturday as daylight is needed.

Day 12 - Spice Cabinet - already done!

Day 13 - Medicine Cabinet - already done!

Day 14 - Under bathroom sink - already done!

Day 15 - Medicine/Vitamin Storage - already done!

So I guess I will find some more drawers/cabinets in my flat for the challenge.

Sag was dazu    

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3. Januar 2025 um 19:37:31 MEZ

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