Day 14 + Day 15 Substitute
Luinwen, 23. Oktober 2011 um 13:51:31 MESZh
# Day 14 - Under bathroom sink - already done!
Day 15 - Medicine/Vitamin Storage - already done!
So as this two places there already done, I did on Friday and Saturday the kitchen drawers. Everything out, cleaning the drawers and everything in a (hopefully) better organized way back. Something I felt like playing tetris...
First part I did on Friday after coming home late as I was out with friends (eating pasta!):
Second part I did on Saturday after coming home late as I met friends playing DSA (P&P Roleplay):
Tomorrow I will come home late again - I don't know, if I will be able to do a challenge. But let us see, what is left from the challenge:
Day 11 - The Freezer (read: balcony)
Day 16 - The Fridge
Day 17 - The Mail
Day 18 - Keepsakes (read: night stand)
Day 19 - Master Closet
Day 20 - Photos
Day 21 - You pick!
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