Anar kaluva tielyanna!

September 2024

All about my fibre addiction:

What I did on Thursday...

...I totally forgot to write about the little extra I did on Thursday. I just did a little drawer, there I keep my writing papers in.

vn I think I don't have to buy Christmas cards this year - I found plenty.

And I found two things, I want to share with you. First a childhood memory. A sticker album (Miss Petticoat), there I collect even all stickers! The text might be not overall worthfull, but I like the cute stickers. So I will keep it. I remember that as I child I tried to copy the pictures. Mark the little knitting girl in the upper right corner. sticker

And this wonderful paperweight I bought in Malta. Never find out, why it was on discount as a second quallity. I just think it is beautiful. Now it is back on it's rightful place on my desk: brief

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25. Februar 2020 um 06:06:34 MEZ

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