Anar kaluva tielyanna!

Februar 2025

All about my fibre addiction:

Day 11 "Organize your freezer"

Finally I move on with my challenge! As I don't have a freezer (only a small freezing compartment in my fridge - which hopefully will be done on Monday), I took the balcony. Winter is coming, so it might be freezing cold there too!

The balcony is small. I use it for hanging up my clothes to get dry as I don't have a dryer. And it tends to collect junk parts from the rest of the flat. Theoretical I can sit down there - I have two chairs outside. But of course I rarely do. Here you see the reason:

before I never drink alcohol, but had bought some beer for my birthdaypart in 2010 - still here. You can see I have even more plastic bags (I throw them away, it seems, that they don't like to much sun/cold). And you can see the remains of all the plants I killed - err I mean I had.

I started in the afternoon in daylight and finished in the dark, but I am pleased with it and I might even use my balcony for sitting down - once there are sunny days again. I keep some of the flowerstuff and will try again in spring to keep some flowers alive!


So only 3 things to go!

Day 16 - The Fridge Day 20 - Photos Day 21 - You pick!

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3. Januar 2025 um 19:37:31 MEZ

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