Anar kaluva tielyanna!

Februar 2025

All about my fibre addiction:

Green Fun - my new bike is here!

Finally I could pick up my new bike at the store. It is a Contoura porto in metallic light green with a Shimano 8-Gear Alfine gear change, B+M Cyo R LED 40 Lux for the light and 28" Marathon tyres. (okay a lot of technical details, which nobody is interested anyway...)

I really, really like the colour and I already use it yesterday to move around. I drove to a friend for a gamers afternoon (DSA - Role playing) and moved on to a birthday party. Besides, that I missed my way and come 20 minutes too late it was fun!

Today I took pics of it: neues Fahrrad

I also bought two bags, which can be attached left and right from the luggage rack. Each contains up to 20 l. PICT0025

I never locked up my old bike, but for this I bought also a new lock. I guess this one might attract more interest than my old one! PICT0028

I also got a basket for free (but on the other hand I also spent quite some money). PICT0024

During making my pics, I also found the air-pump: PICT0029

A last shot: PICT0027

I hope the weather will allow me to use it a little bit before it gots too bad!

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3. Januar 2025 um 19:37:31 MEZ

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